As against what many people think about online marketing, promoting your website on the internet do not need to be expensive. Actually, the majority of the strategies that are at the disposal of the webmasters do not really cost them any money but just their time. So if you learn how to make use of these small business website advertising strategies, you can promote your own website free of cost.

Here are top free small business online marketing techniques which you can use to market your website. Whichever strategy or strategies you are applying, make sure to put in regular attempts and you’ll be able to enjoy excellent benefits. 1 Article Marketing – Create resourceful articles and publish them in this article directories. To generate articles you will need not be a published author, you just need to find out how to present your details coherently in an interesting style.

The challenge however is to learn how to create internet search engine friendly articles. 2 Facebook Marketing – Make a Facebook Fans web page for your business and invite your friends to go to your Facebook web page and also to ‘Like’ your web page. You shall need to keep the Facebook web page updated regularly. Make an effort to build and expand your network in Facebook. Your popularity shall increase as your network in Facebook develops bigger.

3 Twitter Branding – Next important public media branding effort that you need to consider is to create a Twitter profile for your brand. Tweet about your business regularly, the new offers and the latest information about your brand. 4 Guest Blogging – Blogging is a very effective way to get your brand noticed.

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Guest blogging can help you enhance your brand’s visibility. Guest blogging is not about posting marketing text message in the weblogs but to develop resourceful niche related content around your brand. 5 Submission To Free Classifieds Sites – Submit your website to free classifieds sites. You’ll find so many free classifieds sites that you can consider for your brand.

Try to post your website to as many sites as you can. Create catchy descriptions about your products. Make sure that you are making your submissions to the right category which means that your brand gains visibility when people are searching for products and services you are offering. 6 Submission To Web Directories – Similar free classifieds site submission, submitting your website to web directories will also have a very positive impact on your website.

You should make your submissions manually. Again create catchy titles and explanations for your listing Here. Submit your website to the right categories and include the right tags. 7 Forum Posting – Take part in forum conversations and whenever you get a chance make a mention of your brand. You will have to however make sure that you aren’t marketing your products or your brand in the community forums.

If you post marketing text messages then your accounts will be prohibited for spamming. 8 Blog Commenting – Visit blogs that are relevant to your specific niche market and be a part of the blog discussions. Make your responses matter and do not market your products in your blog comments. 9 Social Bookmarking – Create social bookmarks for all your webpages.

Use different keyword combinations and hypertext links to make your cultural bookmarks. Usually do not use the same linking text again and again thinking that it shall strengthen the keyword. Google now considers it spam. 10 Squidoo Lens Creation – Create as much Squidoo lenses as possible and link your Squidoo lenses to your internet site. Bookmark your Squidoo lens in social bookmark creating sites. All the strategies are search engine friendly strategies plus they have been found to be highly effective. You just need to make time to perform each one of these strategies and there is no need to spend any money.

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